Letter, 12 April 1865, Fredericka Amalia Hutter Reeder (1810-1878) to James Risque Hutter (1841-1923)

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Letter, 12 April 1865, Fredericka Amalia Hutter Reeder (1810-1878) to James Risque Hutter (1841-1923)


Amalia Reeder writes to her nephew James Risque Hutter that she wants to visit him, but a family member was sick and still recovering. Reeder tells Hutter about the whereabouts of other family members and friends. She informed Hutter that she also sent him money and wished it could have been more.

Fredericka Amalia Hutter Reeder (1810-1878) was part of the Hutter family that lived in Easton, Pennsylvania. Her sons fought in the Union army while Risque and his brothers fought in the Confederate army.


Donated by Stannard Preston


Historic Sandusky-University of Lynchburg


12 April 1865


Transcribe by Emma Coffey


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Easton April 12 1865

My dearest Risque I received yours of April 9th last morning. I am glad to hear that you feel yourself so comfortable, I wish it was in my power to come to see you, but I cannot leave home at present. Emma has been quite ill for sometime. She has been confined to the house since the middle of January, and has not left her room in almost six weeks. She is improving but she is very weak. Ada and her dear family left some last Saturday after a visit of almost four months. I cannot tell you how much I miss them. Howard is at Harvard University Cambridge. Marchand is in Kansas on his farm and Frank is a Lieut. Col in the army. He is at present with his Regt. at Baton Rouge. Howard and Marchand both ___ down. Howard was poisoned in Missouri and is still a sufferer from the effects, and Marchand had congestive chills. His Regt. was stationed at Lake Providence and he liked to have died, so he had to quit the service. I hope I shall hear from you soon again. I wrote you a draft of fifty dollars when you want more let me know, if it is lost it is enough to _ at a time. Farwell my dear nephew. May God bless you is the earnest wish and prayer of your Aunt A. Reeder


“Letter, 12 April 1865, Fredericka Amalia Hutter Reeder (1810-1878) to James Risque Hutter (1841-1923),” Historic Sandusky Archives and Collections, accessed February 13, 2025, https://historicsanduskyarchives.omeka.net/items/show/112.