Diary, 1820-1821, George Christian Hutter (1793-1879)
Diary, 1820-1821, George Christian Hutter (1793-1879)
George Hutter's handwritten diary covering joining his first months as an officer in the US Army. He leaves Pennsylvania and travels to and around various forts in Florida.
Donated by Janie Hutter Preston Walton (1927-2013)
Historic Sandusky-University of Lynchburg
1820, 1821
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Paper, 3 3/4" x 6 1/2"
Memento Book
Feb. 13 Received an appointment in the army of the U.S. as 2d Lieutenant to take rank from the 28th Jan, 1820.
14 – The date of my acceptance.
28 - Left Easton for Philadelphia there to purchase my equipments and thence to proceed to Mobile to report to the commanding officer there of the 4th Battalion Artillery in obedience of my first order.
March 6 Shipped at Philadelphia in the Brig Feliciana, 300 tons, Master Franklin, same day took 224 recruits on board from Fort Mifflin. Officers on board Lieut’s. Berrykmand, McCawley of the Infty. Spering and myself of the Corps of Artillery.
7 – Saild from Fort Mifflin in company with the Ship Orleans who had Maj. Twiggs, Doct. Clark and 210 recruits on board – arrived at New Castle.
March 10 – Sailed from Reedy Island and got to sea.
30 – Landed at St. Georges Island. Latitude of 29 – 30 Longitute of 85 – 17
April 2 – Left St. Georges Island in the sloop Decature with 80 Infantry and Lt. Artillery recruits.
4 – Arrived at Fort Gadsden F. the fort is situated on the Apalachicola River on high ground called Prospect Bluff about 33 miles from St. Georges Island.
23 – Appointed Actg. Jr. Master
May 14 - Lt. Spering handed his resignation for Maj. Fanning.
Aug. 2 - Lt. Spering left Fort Gadsden on furlough.
Sept. 1 appointed actg Commisary for Fort Gadsden and Conductor of Arty. For Com y (M). Artillery.
Dec. 6 Relieved from the Commissary duty by Lt. McClintock.
Jane 1 – Ordered to Fort Scott with 15 prisoners and 12 guards.
10 – returned from Fort Scott to Fort Gadsden.
April 13 – Relieved from the Quarter Mastership by Lieut. McClintock.
14 – Got leave of absence from Maj. Fanning for 20 days on account of my ill health.
15 – Sailed from Fort Gadsden for Mobile in the Schooner Unicorn, Stevenson Master.
23 – Arrived at Mobile, had a very tedious passage.
26 Left Mobile for Mobile Point in Company with Col. Gadsden of the army and Genl. Stark – remained all night at the red Bluff.
27 – Arrived at Mobile Point in the morning - in the afternoon went over to Dauphin Island.
28 – Col. Lindsey extended my leave of absence to go to New Orleans there to solicit General Jackson for a furlough for a sufficient time to restore my health – Left Dauphin Island in the Schooner Nancy and Jane.
29 – Arrived at Mobile in the morning. Capt. Charles came to see me and informed me that Genl. Jackson had arrived at Blakely and desired me to a take a seat in his boat to go and see him. Introduced to Gen. Jackson who generously furloughed me until the first of June.
1821 May 1 – Sailed from Mobile for New Orleans in the schooner Bright Peopbus, Chandler Master.
6 - Arrived at New Orleans.
17 Sailed from New Orleans in the Steam Ship Robert Fulton, Pratt master for Havanna, Charleston and New York.
21 – Arrived at Havanna.
22 – Sailed from Havanna.
26 – Arrived at Charleston
28 – Sailed from Charleston.
June 2 – Arrived at New York, quarantine ground.
3 – Landed on Staten Island – Hired a coach and arrived at Elizabeth Town, N. J. – in the afternoon took passage on the mail state for Philadelphia.
4 – Arrived at Philadelphia.
7 – Took passage in mail stage for Easton where I arrived in the evening after an absence of one year and nearly four months.
Aug. 24 – Started from Easton for Washington City.
Aug. 30 - Arrived at Washington City.
Oct. 12 – Returned to Easton from Washington.
17 – Left Easton for Philadelphia on my way to the south.
24 – Having taken passage in the Ship Unicorn for New Orleans, she having stopped down to New Castle. I took passage in the steamboat and in the afternoon I went on board the vessel – Passengers Doct. Edward Lady messers. ____ Brown and myself – 10 in the steerage.
26 – Arrived at Reedy Island.
28 – Got to sea.
Nov. 19 Arrived at the Balise
21 Landed at New Orleans after a passage of 20 days from land to land and 38 days from City to City.
Dec. 7 – Sailed from New Orleans, in the Schooner _____ Shields, S______ Master for Pensacola.
11 – Landed at Pensacola
21 – Left Pensacola for the Fort Barancas.
Dec. 25 Sailed from the Fort Barancas in the Schooner Amelia, Smith, Master, passengers in the cabin, Doct. Stevenson, Asst. Surgeon Lieut. Dusenbury of the Army and myself.
Dec. 31 Arrived at Fort St. Marks.
[End of diary]
[Written on back page]
Christ. J. Hutter has his natal day May 17
Charles L. Hutter…… May 25
Henrietta ……. July 7
Lamber Bowman Esqr.
Asbury, N. J.
James Kennedy, Esqr.
Allen Township.
Northampton County
Feb. 13 Received an appointment in the army of the U.S. as 2d Lieutenant to take rank from the 28th Jan, 1820.
14 – The date of my acceptance.
28 - Left Easton for Philadelphia there to purchase my equipments and thence to proceed to Mobile to report to the commanding officer there of the 4th Battalion Artillery in obedience of my first order.
March 6 Shipped at Philadelphia in the Brig Feliciana, 300 tons, Master Franklin, same day took 224 recruits on board from Fort Mifflin. Officers on board Lieut’s. Berrykmand, McCawley of the Infty. Spering and myself of the Corps of Artillery.
7 – Saild from Fort Mifflin in company with the Ship Orleans who had Maj. Twiggs, Doct. Clark and 210 recruits on board – arrived at New Castle.
March 10 – Sailed from Reedy Island and got to sea.
30 – Landed at St. Georges Island. Latitude of 29 – 30 Longitute of 85 – 17
April 2 – Left St. Georges Island in the sloop Decature with 80 Infantry and Lt. Artillery recruits.
4 – Arrived at Fort Gadsden F. the fort is situated on the Apalachicola River on high ground called Prospect Bluff about 33 miles from St. Georges Island.
23 – Appointed Actg. Jr. Master
May 14 - Lt. Spering handed his resignation for Maj. Fanning.
Aug. 2 - Lt. Spering left Fort Gadsden on furlough.
Sept. 1 appointed actg Commisary for Fort Gadsden and Conductor of Arty. For Com y (M). Artillery.
Dec. 6 Relieved from the Commissary duty by Lt. McClintock.
Jane 1 – Ordered to Fort Scott with 15 prisoners and 12 guards.
10 – returned from Fort Scott to Fort Gadsden.
April 13 – Relieved from the Quarter Mastership by Lieut. McClintock.
14 – Got leave of absence from Maj. Fanning for 20 days on account of my ill health.
15 – Sailed from Fort Gadsden for Mobile in the Schooner Unicorn, Stevenson Master.
23 – Arrived at Mobile, had a very tedious passage.
26 Left Mobile for Mobile Point in Company with Col. Gadsden of the army and Genl. Stark – remained all night at the red Bluff.
27 – Arrived at Mobile Point in the morning - in the afternoon went over to Dauphin Island.
28 – Col. Lindsey extended my leave of absence to go to New Orleans there to solicit General Jackson for a furlough for a sufficient time to restore my health – Left Dauphin Island in the Schooner Nancy and Jane.
29 – Arrived at Mobile in the morning. Capt. Charles came to see me and informed me that Genl. Jackson had arrived at Blakely and desired me to a take a seat in his boat to go and see him. Introduced to Gen. Jackson who generously furloughed me until the first of June.
1821 May 1 – Sailed from Mobile for New Orleans in the schooner Bright Peopbus, Chandler Master.
6 - Arrived at New Orleans.
17 Sailed from New Orleans in the Steam Ship Robert Fulton, Pratt master for Havanna, Charleston and New York.
21 – Arrived at Havanna.
22 – Sailed from Havanna.
26 – Arrived at Charleston
28 – Sailed from Charleston.
June 2 – Arrived at New York, quarantine ground.
3 – Landed on Staten Island – Hired a coach and arrived at Elizabeth Town, N. J. – in the afternoon took passage on the mail state for Philadelphia.
4 – Arrived at Philadelphia.
7 – Took passage in mail stage for Easton where I arrived in the evening after an absence of one year and nearly four months.
Aug. 24 – Started from Easton for Washington City.
Aug. 30 - Arrived at Washington City.
Oct. 12 – Returned to Easton from Washington.
17 – Left Easton for Philadelphia on my way to the south.
24 – Having taken passage in the Ship Unicorn for New Orleans, she having stopped down to New Castle. I took passage in the steamboat and in the afternoon I went on board the vessel – Passengers Doct. Edward Lady messers. ____ Brown and myself – 10 in the steerage.
26 – Arrived at Reedy Island.
28 – Got to sea.
Nov. 19 Arrived at the Balise
21 Landed at New Orleans after a passage of 20 days from land to land and 38 days from City to City.
Dec. 7 – Sailed from New Orleans, in the Schooner _____ Shields, S______ Master for Pensacola.
11 – Landed at Pensacola
21 – Left Pensacola for the Fort Barancas.
Dec. 25 Sailed from the Fort Barancas in the Schooner Amelia, Smith, Master, passengers in the cabin, Doct. Stevenson, Asst. Surgeon Lieut. Dusenbury of the Army and myself.
Dec. 31 Arrived at Fort St. Marks.
[End of diary]
[Written on back page]
Christ. J. Hutter has his natal day May 17
Charles L. Hutter…… May 25
Henrietta ……. July 7
Lamber Bowman Esqr.
Asbury, N. J.
James Kennedy, Esqr.
Allen Township.
Northampton County
“Diary, 1820-1821, George Christian Hutter (1793-1879),” Historic Sandusky Archives and Collections, accessed January 23, 2025, https://historicsanduskyarchives.omeka.net/items/show/85.