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Southern Cross of Honor, Arthur Cummings Davis (1848-1927)
Southern Cross of Honor belonging to Arthur Cummings Davis of Virginia
Southern Cross of Honor was a commemorative medal established in 1899 by the United Daughters of the Confederacy to honor Confederate Veterans.
Per Virginia Regimental…
Southern Cross of Honor was a commemorative medal established in 1899 by the United Daughters of the Confederacy to honor Confederate Veterans.
Per Virginia Regimental…
Portrait, miniature locket painting of George Christian Hutter (1793-1879) in uniform
Miniature locket painting of George Christian Hutter as an officer in the 6th United States Infantry. Housed in velvet lined case.
From the book "Record of the Family and Descendants of Colonel Christian Jacob Hutter of Easton, Penn’a –…
From the book "Record of the Family and Descendants of Colonel Christian Jacob Hutter of Easton, Penn’a –…
Ambrotype, 1859, 2nd Capt. James Risque Hutter (1841-1923), 1st Capt. W. H. Morgan, 1st Lt. J. H. Morrison
Half plate ambrotype of three VMI (Virginia Military Institute) cadets taken in 1859. James Risque Hutter (1841-1923) is seated bottom right. Hutter was class of 1860, later he served as an officer in the 11th Virginia Infantry, C.S.A.Written behind…
Diary, 1820-1821, George Christian Hutter (1793-1879)
George Hutter's handwritten diary covering joining his first months as an officer in the US Army. He leaves Pennsylvania and travels to and around various forts in Florida.
Letter, 19 May 1901, Albert N Seip to James Risque Hutter (1841-1923)
Letter from Albert N. Seip, former Union officer in the 2nd Pennsylvania Cavalry to James Risque Hutter. Seip recounts his meeting Hutter as he helped escort him and 2,500 other Confederate prisoners captured at the Battle of Gettysburg. He mentions…
Letter, 30 June 1863, James Risque Hutter (1841-1923) to George Christian Hutter (1793-1879)
Letter written by J. Risque Hutter, Captain 11th Virginia Infantry, while on the Gettysburg Campaign. Hutter writes his father that he has been made provost marshall of Chambersburg, Pa. and thus responsible for keeping order while Lee's army is…
Document, "Memorial" [case for reinstatement], Ferdinand William Risque (1803-1862), concerning reinstatement of rank to George Christian Hutter (1793-1879)
Eight page printed document written in the late 1840s by Ferdinand W. Risque making the case for reinstatement of rank to George Christian Hutter. Printed document outlines in legal fashion character references and arguments for reinstatement of…
Document, 28 September 1847, Military Appointment for George Christian Hutter (1793-1879)
Letter, handwritten and signed by Secretary of War William L. Marcy appointing George Christian Hutter to the rank of Major in the First Regiment of Infantry in place of an officer named Clark who is deceased.Document issued during the…
Document, 1 February 1820, military appointment for George Christian Hutter (1793-1879)
War Department document, printed, with hand written annotations. From Secretary of War John C. Calhoun to George Christian Hutter appointing Hutter as 2nd Lieutenant in the US Army's Corps of Artillery.
Map, Fort Gadsden, Florida, George Christian Hutter (1793-1879)
Hand-drawn map (ink, pencil) belonging to George Christian Hutter depicting Fort Gadsden located on the Apalachicola River in Florida. Map shows the layout of the fort with key features labeled.Gadsden was a base of operations during the Seminole…
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Letter, 25 November 1838, General Zachary Taylor (1784-1850) to Captain George Christian Hutter (1793-1879)

Letter written by General Zachary Taylor to Major George Christian Hutter regarding leave of absence sought by Hutter to attend to family…