Letter, 18 June 1860, Edward Sixtus Hutter II to John DeHart Ross

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Edward Sixtus Hutter II letter 1860 2.jpg


Letter, 18 June 1860, Edward Sixtus Hutter II to John DeHart Ross


Letter written by Edward S. Hutter, from Sandusky, to a John Ross of Richmond, Virginia telling of social events and travel.

Edward Sixtus Hutter II was a son of George Christian Hutter and was named after his uncle, Edward Sixtus Hutter, George's half brother who lived at nearby Poplar Forest. Edward II was called "Ned" and often went by Edward Hutter Jr. He was class of 1859 at the Virginia Military Institute.

Edward Sixtus Hutter II
Born 18 September 1839
Died 22 June 1904
Buried Presbyterian Cemetery, Lynchburg, Va. John

DeHart Ross was born in 1840 in Culpeper County, Virginia at "Bel Pre." Ross graduated from Virginia Military Institute in 1859.


Edward Sixtus Hutter II


Hutter family papers purchased at auction 8 June 2019


Historic Sandusky-University of Lynchburg




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Edward Sixtus Hutter II to
John deH. Ross
18 June 1860

June 18th 1860
My Dear John,

Your letter received or day or two since & I take pleasure in giving an early reply--In the first place let me express my pleasure at the news that you intend doing yourself the honor of visiting our city on your way to Lex--our party will leave on the steam packet via the raging canaul [canal] on Monday morning the 2d July at 6 1.2 o’clock--You may report yourself several days before hand if you choose to do so & we will be glad to see you--The young Ladies going up are all of them great beauties & what is more all are rich--They are, as follows--Miss Nannie J Langhorne, Miss Sallie Wiatt, Annie & Lizzie Langhorne, Lucie Norvell, Lizzie Gilliam, Nannie Saunders, Bev Rudd, Sarah Patton, Mary Davis, Ellen Turner, & Lee Yancey--also some married Ladies--The gentlemen Hays, John & Lawrence Mum, Koty, Sam Garland, Dr. Langhorne, Tom Boyd, Jack Kerr, Matt Moorman & others. My Brother & I from this house--Don’t fail because we will have a good time--You can then give Miss Nannie a talk about the French [illegible word]--I am to start to Baltimore Friday & will return here on the 28th or 29th-- [illegible words] going up on the 4th Bring old Clayton along with you--& be sure & give yourself a day or two here in our city--I'll be happy to welcome you here-- Inform me of your movements in advance--Good luck [illegible word]
Truly Yours
E.S. Hutter, Jr


Edward Sixtus Hutter II, “Letter, 18 June 1860, Edward Sixtus Hutter II to John DeHart Ross,” Historic Sandusky Archives and Collections, accessed January 25, 2025, https://historicsanduskyarchives.omeka.net/items/show/49.