Letter, 25 November 1838, General Zachary Taylor (1784-1850) to Captain George Christian Hutter (1793-1879)

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Letter, 25 November 1838, General Zachary Taylor (1784-1850) to Captain George Christian Hutter (1793-1879)


Letter written by General Zachary Taylor to Major George Christian Hutter regarding leave of absence sought by Hutter to attend to family matters.

Zachary Taylor would later serve as the 12th President of the United States of America


Taylor, Zachary


Donated by Janie Preston Walton
Hutter descendant


Historic Sandusky-University of Lynchburg




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Letter, 7 5/8" wide by 9 3/4" tall


Zachary Taylor to
George Christian Hutter
25 November 1838
Hd qrs army of the South
Fort Brooke Tampa Bay
Nov, 25th 1838
Dear Sir,

Your letter of the 27th ulto on the subject of a leave of absence has this moment been received, in reply I have to state that the application referred to in relation thereto, was handed me on my return here by the actg apt adjt Genl on the 5th Inst the same was immediately acted on & the decision in the case transmitted you by the first opportunity--While I can assure you that no one more sensibly feels for the unpleasant situation in which you are placed in regard to your family, as well as other officers serving in Florida who are similarly situated, or who more highly appreciates your exertions against the enemy during the past summer, yet I regret to say that such is my present position, after the course I felt bound to take with the dept in regard to absent officers, I feel in duty bound to withhold my consent to your leaving the territory until the prospects are more flattering than at present for bringing this unfortunate war to a close; The moment your services in my opinion can be dispensed with without injury to the public service it will afford me much satisfaction to grant the indulgence asked for--wishing sincerely that your next letters from Pennsylvania or Virginia, which ever state your lady may be in, may bring you the pleasing intelligence that she has recovered her health, or is in a fair way to do so; also before many months pass away some fortunate occurrence may take place which will enable you to join her. With considerations of respect & esteem

I remain
Your, Obt, Servt
Z. Taylor

Original Format



Taylor, Zachary, “Letter, 25 November 1838, General Zachary Taylor (1784-1850) to Captain George Christian Hutter (1793-1879),” Historic Sandusky Archives and Collections, accessed January 23, 2025, https://historicsanduskyarchives.omeka.net/items/show/39.