Letter, 15 June 1865, William Henry Lyons (1831-1867) to James Risque Hutter (1841-1923)
Francis Harrison Pierpont (1814–1899) was governor of Virginia 1865-1868
William Henry Lyons (1831-1867) was a Richmond Judge
Lyons was a brother-in-law to James Risque Hutter's brother, Ferdinand Charles Hutter (1831-1885)
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Richmond June 15, 1865
My dear sir,
I’ve received your letter enclosing one to Gov. Pierpont requesting him to recommend your release and that of some of your friends and delivered it to the Governor yesterday. He endowed the application favorably and said he would forward it to the proper office and I hope that you will soon be at liberty again. I heard from your family in Lynchburg about ten days since. They were all well.
I have received your letter to your Lulu and will forward it by the first opportunity. We have no regular mail communication at present.
You will have to pass through Richmond on your way home and I would be glad if you would stop and pay me a visit.
Very truly yours,
Wm. H. Lyons
J. R. Hutter
Lt. Col. 11th VA infantry
U.S. military prison
Johnson’s Island