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Photograph, Adaline Lawrence Hutter Long and Roy

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Photograph shows "Ada" Lawrence Hutter Long in rocking chair with grandson Leroy Ball Johnson born 22 October 1900.

Photograph, Harriet James Risque Hutter (1806-1898)

Harriet Risque Hutter CDV.jpg
Carte de visite format photograph of Harriet James Risque Hutter, wife of George Christian Hutter (1793-1879)

Photograph, James Risque Hutter (1841-1923)

JRH Cdv front.jpg
Carte de visite format photograph of James Risque Hutter (1841-1923), son of George Christian Hutter (1793-1879)Inscribed "Affectionately you bro, J.R.H." Likely inscribed for his sister Adaline "Ada" Hutter Long.Backmarked: Tanner &…

Ambrotype, 1859, 2nd Capt. James Risque Hutter (1841-1923), 1st Capt. W. H. Morgan, 1st Lt. J. H. Morrison

Hutter & VMI Cadets 1859.JPG
Half plate ambrotype of three VMI (Virginia Military Institute) cadets taken in 1859. James Risque Hutter (1841-1923) is seated bottom right. Hutter was class of 1860, later he served as an officer in the 11th Virginia Infantry, C.S.A.Written behind…

Photograph, Edward Risque Hutter (1868-1910)

Photograph of Edward Risque Hutter, grandson of George Christian Hutter (1793-1879). Like his uncle James Risque Hutter, Edward was commonlhy called Risque (pronounced "Risk").

Photograph, James Risque Hutter (1841-1923)

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Carte De Visite, "visiting card," aka CDV format photograph of James Risque Hutter taken slightly post Civil War. Photographer's imprint reading "J. Goldin, Washington."

Photograph, James Risque Hutter (1923-1974)

School photograph circa 1930 of James Risque Hutter (1923-1974), son of Ferdinand Lee Hutter (1885-1950), grandson of James Risque Hutter (1841-1923), great grandson of George Christian Hutter (1793-1879)

Photograph, George Christian Hutter (1926- )

School photograph circa 1930s of George Christian Hutter (1926-
), son of Ferdinand Lee Hutter (1885-1950), grandson of James Risque Hutter (1841-1923), great grandson of George Christian Hutter (1793-1879).

Photograph, James Risque Hutter (1923-1974)

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School photograph circa 1930 of James Risque Hutter (1923-1974), son of Ferdinand Lee Hutter (1885-1950), grandson of James Risque Hutter (1841-1923), great grandson of George Christian Hutter (1793-1879)