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Knife, stainless dinner, early 20th century
A dinner knife owned by the Hutter family. The silver mark on the blade reads “Regal Warranted Stainless”. This logo was used by the Regal Specialty MFG Co. which was based out of New Haven, Connecticut and began to produce flatware in 1912, They…
Tags: 20th century, Hutter, silverware. tableware
Letter, 1 July 1867, Elizabeth Campbell Radford Adams (1847-1930) to James Risque Hutter (1841-1923)
Lizzie Radford writes to James Risque Hutter about the recovery of her sister and how she is improving. Radford informs Hutter that she is not engaged and she has no desire to be married soon. She talks about how she has changed over the years and…
Letter, 11 June 1865 Edward Sixtus Hutter (1839-1904) to James Risque Hutter (1841-1923)
Edward "Ned" Hutter writes to his brother James Risque Hutter to inform him that has arrived in Baltimore for business purposes and with the intent of getting Risque released from prison. Ned informs Risque he has found a house in Lynchburg for his…
Letter, 12 April 1865, Fredericka Amalia Hutter Reeder (1810-1878) to James Risque Hutter (1841-1923)
Amalia Reeder writes to her nephew James Risque Hutter that she wants to visit him, but a family member was sick and still recovering. Reeder tells Hutter about the whereabouts of other family members and friends. She informed Hutter that she also…
Letter, 12 April 1865, James Risque Hutter (1841-1923) to Ferdinand Charles Hutter (1831-1885)
James Risque Hutter writes to his older brother "Charlie" about General Lee’s surrender and wishes to hear his views on the subject. He shares that a pardon was extended to General Lee and the army, but only to those who had been captured prior to…
Letter, 14 April 1840, James Beverly Risque (1767-1843) to Andrew Horatio Reeder (1807-1864)
JB Risque (George C. Hutter's father in law) asks for assistance from Andrew Horatio Reeder (George Hutter's brother in law) in securing an appointment to the United States Naval Academy for his grandson James Beverly Ward (1822-1907).James Beverly…
Letter, 15 June 1865, William Henry Lyons (1831-1867) to James Risque Hutter (1841-1923)
Lyons writes to James Risque Hutter to inform him that he received the letter Hutter wrote to Governor Pierpont requesting his release. Lyons tells Hutter his application for the release was shown to the governor and would be sent to the proper…
Letter, 17 April 1860, Edward Sixtus Hutter (1839-1904) to John DeHart Ross (1840-1912)
Letter written by Edward S. Hutter, from Sandusky, to John DeHart Ross of Richmond, Virginia telling of social events and career aspirations. Hutter and Ross were classmates at Virginia Military Institute.Edward Sixtus Hutter (1839-1904) was a son of…
Letter, 18 June 1860, Edward Sixtus Hutter II to John DeHart Ross
Letter written by Edward S. Hutter, from Sandusky, to a John Ross of Richmond, Virginia telling of social events and travel. Edward Sixtus Hutter II was a son of George Christian Hutter and was named after his uncle, Edward Sixtus Hutter, George's…
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Portrait, George Christian Hutter (1793-1879)

Oil on Canvas portrait of George Hutter as a young man, circa 1820s -1830s. George Christian Hutter.Artist believed to be early American painter Jacob…