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Letter, 11 June 1865 Edward Sixtus Hutter (1839-1904) to James Risque Hutter (1841-1923)

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Edward "Ned" Hutter writes to his brother James Risque Hutter to inform him that has arrived in Baltimore for business purposes and with the intent of getting Risque released from prison. Ned informs Risque he has found a house in Lynchburg for his…

Letter, 29 March 1861, Ferdinand Charles Hutter (1831-1885) to James Risque Hutter (1841-1923)

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Ferdinand Charles Hutter writes to his brother James Risque Hutter in Charleston, SC to inform him that their family is doing well while Risque and their father are away. He asks his brother to communicate that he is looking for an appointment as a…

Letter, 23 January 1861, John Mayo Oliver (1838-1863) to James Risque Hutter (1841-1923)

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A friend of James Risque Hutter, John Mayo Oliver writes to him informing him that he has not been able to write due to school. Hutter’s friend also describes political meetings that some of the Lexington townsfolk had been attending as well as…

Letter, 5 June 1873, James L. Kemper (1823-1895) to James Risque Hutter (1841-1923)

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J. L. Kemper writes to James Risque Hutter saying that he is pleased to hear from Hutter. He proceeds with stating that he believes that a positon such as Governor should never be sought or rejected. Kemper tells Hutter that if the nomination for…

Letter, 9 October 1870, Elizabeth Campbell Radford Adams (1847-1930) to James Risque Hutter (1841-1923)

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Lizzie Radford writes to James Risque Hutter about their friendship and an apparent falling out. She states she thought they understood each other and tells Hutter that they are different from each other and how she chose his happiness over her own.…

Letter, 12 April 1865, Fredericka Amalia Hutter Reeder (1810-1878) to James Risque Hutter (1841-1923)

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Amalia Reeder writes to her nephew James Risque Hutter that she wants to visit him, but a family member was sick and still recovering. Reeder tells Hutter about the whereabouts of other family members and friends. She informed Hutter that she also…

Letter, 12 April 1865, James Risque Hutter (1841-1923) to Ferdinand Charles Hutter (1831-1885)

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James Risque Hutter writes to his older brother "Charlie" about General Lee’s surrender and wishes to hear his views on the subject. He shares that a pardon was extended to General Lee and the army, but only to those who had been captured prior to…

Letter, 15 June 1865, William Henry Lyons (1831-1867) to James Risque Hutter (1841-1923)

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Lyons writes to James Risque Hutter to inform him that he received the letter Hutter wrote to Governor Pierpont requesting his release. Lyons tells Hutter his application for the release was shown to the governor and would be sent to the proper…

Letter, 22 May 1867, Garland Hill to James Risque Hutter (1841-1923)

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Garland Hill writes to James Risque Hutter to inform him that a Miss Clara is not able to accept his invitation for a ball held at the Norvell House (hotel)..