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Letter, 22 May 1867, Garland Hill to James Risque Hutter (1841-1923)
Garland Hill writes to James Risque Hutter to inform him that a Miss Clara is not able to accept his invitation for a ball held at the Norvell House (hotel)..
Letter, 23 January 1861, John Mayo Oliver (1838-1863) to James Risque Hutter (1841-1923)
A friend of James Risque Hutter, John Mayo Oliver writes to him informing him that he has not been able to write due to school. Hutter’s friend also describes political meetings that some of the Lexington townsfolk had been attending as well as…
Letter, 23 July 1865, Edward Sixtus Hutter (1839-1904) to James Risque Hutter (1841-1923)
Edward Sixtus “Ned” Hutter writes to his brother James Risque Hutter about how he reached Baltimore and had hoped to find his brother among the released prisoners. Ned Hutter also tells his brother that he and some friends have filled out…
Letter, 25 November 1838, General Zachary Taylor (1784-1850) to Captain George Christian Hutter (1793-1879)
Letter written by General Zachary Taylor to Major George Christian Hutter regarding leave of absence sought by Hutter to attend to family matters.
Zachary Taylor would later serve as the 12th President of the United States of America
Zachary Taylor would later serve as the 12th President of the United States of America
Letter, 29 March 1861, Ferdinand Charles Hutter (1831-1885) to James Risque Hutter (1841-1923)
Ferdinand Charles Hutter writes to his brother James Risque Hutter in Charleston, SC to inform him that their family is doing well while Risque and their father are away. He asks his brother to communicate that he is looking for an appointment as a…
Letter, 5 June 1873, James L. Kemper (1823-1895) to James Risque Hutter (1841-1923)
J. L. Kemper writes to James Risque Hutter saying that he is pleased to hear from Hutter. He proceeds with stating that he believes that a positon such as Governor should never be sought or rejected. Kemper tells Hutter that if the nomination for…
Letter, 7 April 1865, M. M. Ferguson to James Risque Hutter (1841-1923)
M. M. Ferguson writes to James Risque Hutter and discusses the good news of his release as a prisoner of war. She talks about having her photograph taken and promises she will look her prettiest. She advises Hutter to marry as soon as possible,…
Letter, 9 October 1870, Elizabeth Campbell Radford Adams (1847-1930) to James Risque Hutter (1841-1923)
Lizzie Radford writes to James Risque Hutter about their friendship and an apparent falling out. She states she thought they understood each other and tells Hutter that they are different from each other and how she chose his happiness over her own.…
Lithograph depicting Andrew Horatio Reeder (1807-1864) disguised as a woodchopper
"First Governor of the Territory of Kansas, in the disguise in which he escaped from Kansas City as a deck passenger on the steamer A. B. Chambers, from the armed invaders who sought his life on account to his devotion of freedom."On June 29, 1854,…
Tags: 1856, Andrew Horatio Reeder (1807-1864), Hutter, Kansas, Reeder
Loving Cup, sterling silver weighted, date unknown
A small sterling silver cup with two ornamental handles that is often called a loving cup, owned by the Hutter family. Loving cups are often used in wedding and engagement festivities to represent the unity and joining of two people and families.…
Tags: household items, Hutter, Silverware, tableware
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Portrait, George Christian Hutter (1793-1879)

Oil on Canvas portrait of George Hutter as a young man, circa 1820s -1830s. George Christian Hutter.Artist believed to be early American painter Jacob…