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  • Tags: Front portico

Photograph, Sandusky house, three Hutters family members on front portico

Photograph shows three young men sitting on the steps of the front portico of Sandusky. Top man is James Logwood Hutter (1892-1956), the other two likely his siblings.

James Logwood Hutter
Born 19 May 1892
Died 31 August 1956
Buried Spring Hill…

Photograph, 1914, James Risque Hutter (1841-1923) on front portico of Sandusky

JRH, front portico.jpg
Photograph of James Risque Hutter in rocking chair reading on front (south) portico. Brick and shutters have been hand colored. Front door is open showing portion of interior staircase landing.

Vintage enlargement from a smaller photograph…