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  • Tags: Army

Voucher- pay, clothing, forage, subsistence. 31 March 1847, for George Christian Hutter (1793-1879)

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Voucher for pay, clothing, forage, and subsistence for George C. Hutter, Paymaster, and two servants, enslaved men named Arthur and Moses. This voucher was created during the Mexican-American War while Hutter was serving in Texas. Total amount of…

US Army dress epaulets, George Christian Hutter (1793-1879)

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Metal epaulets belonging to Major George Christian Hutter (1793-1879). Worn on the shoulders of army dress uniforms for formal occasions.

Ugly Club membership certificate, 1821, George Christian Hutter (1793-1879)

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Printed certificate signifying that George Christian Hutter is a member of the Ugly Club of Easton, Pennsylvania. It reads:“Amicitia Vinum Vitae Est.”              In testimony that George C. Hutter on the fifteenth day of December In the year of our…

Tin sign, Maj. G. C. Hutter Paymaster U S Army

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Painted tin sign, likely for a door, denoting Major George C. Hutter as a US Army Paymaster. Possibly from his time as paymaster in Charleston, SC. Hutter served as a paymaster from about 1846-1848 assigned to Texas and South Carolina and possibly…

Receipt for deceased soldier's effects, Lynchburg Quartermaster's Dept.

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Blank form entitled, Quartermaster's receipt for deceased soldier's effects, 1864, received from surgeon Thomas
H. Fisher in charge of General Hospital, No. 3, Lynchburg, Virginia.

R.P. Taliaferro Confederate Medical documents, 1861-1865

Papers, 1861-1865, including circulars, letters, invoices, and orders, relating to surgeon R.P. Taliaferro's duty for Confederate hospitals in Lynchburg and Richmond, Virginia. includes reports of sick and wounded, invoices for medical supplies,…

Photograph, Harry Baxter King, Company E, 34th Massachusetts Infantry

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arte De Visite, "visiting card," aka CDV format photograph of Harry Baxter King, aka Henry Baxter King, aka Baxter Henry King. King was an orderly sergeant in Company E, 34th Massachusetts Infantry and was mortally wounded at the Battle of Lynchburg…

Photograph, Charles Graham Halpine (1829-1868)

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Carte de visite (CDV) format photograph of General Charles Graham Halpine. Halpine was an Irish journalist, author, and soldier during the American Civil War. During the war he wrote under the pseudonym Miles O'Reilly.Halpin served on General David…

Photograph, Augustus T. Ward, 36th Ohio Volunteer Infantry

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Carte de Visite format photograph of Augustus T. Ward, an officer in company G, 36th Ohio Volunteer Infantry.Ward participated in the Battle of Lynchburg, 17-18 June 1864 as part of the 36th OVI which was under the command of Brigadier General George…